17 years old Grade 12 STEM student
Student, Athlete, and Small Business Owner
With vouches from past clients
Praised by most of math teachers in school
Preschool - Salutatorian
Grade 1-4 - Bronze medal
Grade 5 - Silver medal
Grade 6 - With honors
Grade 7 & 8 - With honors
Grade 9 & 10 - St. Maur Award for Outstanding Student (Top 10 per batch in San Beda College Alabang)
Grade 11 - With high honors
Finished English (2018) Kumon with bronze awards
Any math equation up to g12 stem level (business related is still possible if you have notes)
English writing (reflection, essay, speech, reaction paper, movie review, etc)
Graphic Designing (ppt, infographic, poster, etc)
terms & conditions
24 hours deadline is considered rush for light tasks.
2-3 days deadline is considered rush for heavy tasks
50-500 pesos rush fee (depends on how rush).
No Cancellation once I have already started.
Any payment would not be refunded upon cancellation.
Within 24 hours:
Minor - free
Major - 50-300
Within 2-5 days:
Minor - 50-200
Major - 250 up
More than 5 days
Minor - 100-250
Major - 300 up
I have the right to decline any activity/client (especially from rude ones).
Can provide soft or hard copy but sf is on you.
Strictly half/full payment policy.
services & rates
Math Subjects:
- 10 elem math
- 20-30 jhs math
- 30-50 shs math
- 50-100 college math
- 30-100 business math
Write ups:
- 0.7 - 0.9 per word base rate
- Watching fee of 50 per minute
- Reading fee of 100 per page)
Explanation - 50 pesos (base price only)
Transcribing - 50-150/min
Arts & Design: (base rates only)
Infographics - 200 (your content) & 400 (my content)
Power point - per slide basis: 10 edit/revise, 15 (content/design only), 20-30 both content & design (if own thoughts/opinion is my content, 15 per slide basis + 0.5 per word rate)
Brochure - 300 (your content) & 450 (my content)
Class Schedule - 100
Photo editing - 150
Video editing - 100 per minute
Traditional Drawing - 300
Digital Drawing - 250
3D Design - 500
Programming (html/css/basic java):
- 300 pesos (base price only)
Timed Quizzes:
Multiple Choice - 10 per item
Identification - 15 per item
Short explanation - 50 per item
Essay - 150-300 per item
Math w/out solution - 10-30 per item
Math w/ solution - 30-100 per item
Note: additional fee of 50-200 if without reference/material provided
Elem Level:
200 per hour
JHS level:
250-300 per hour
SHS level:
Core Subjects: 300-350 per hour
Contextualized Subjects: 350-500 per hour
Specialized Subjects: 400-600 per hour (STEM Subjects Only)
Lettering (Calligraphy or Architectural lettering) - 10-50 per word
Rewriting - 70-200/page
Typing - 75-150/page
Transes/Notes: 100-250/page
Note: all contents should be provided, otherwise it will be considered as other service and will be pricier
Note: If service is not here you may dm me the details so I can check if I can do it or not. Can adjust to your budget as long as it it is reasonable. Prices may also increase without prior notice.
Email address: [email protected]
carrd remake by meuiIIe